简介:Viaplay’s reboot follows 40-year-old Inspector John Rebus at a psychological crossroads following an altercation with an infamous Edinburgh gangster. At odds with a job increasingly driven by technocrats, involved in a toxic affair he knows he needs to end, and all but supplanted in his daughter’s life by his ex-wife’s wealthy new husband, Rebus begins to wonder if he still has...
Viaplay’s reboot follows 40-year-old Inspector John Rebus at a psychological crossroads following an altercation with an infamous Edinburgh gangster. At odds with a job increasingly driven by technocrats, involved in a toxic affair he knows he needs to end, and all but supplanted in his daughter’s life by his ex-wife’s wealthy new husband, Rebus begins to wonder if he still has...展开
Bad Guy My Boss/Bad Boy My Boss/坏男孩我的老板/坏人我的老板/坏蛋(我的老板)/Bad Guy (My Boss)/恶爱/坏小子老板/老板坏小子/我男友是邪恶老板/邪恶老板/邪恶老板爱上我/邪恶情人我的老板/邪恶BOSS爱上我/风流老板俏秘书/花心总裁帅助理/邪总爱我/我的邪恶老板/邪总霸爱/甜心坏老板/